執筆:Janvier 編集・訳:タケダノリヒロ( @NoReHero)
【English below】
This is the fourth article from Rwandan writer. An university student, Janvier told us will of young people for work and Rwandan sense of view to welcome foreign investment.
It have been said that generating employment is right in international cooperation, but is only that enough? From “studying to search job” to “studying to create own job” and how Rwandan feel about foreigners.
You can see today’s real of this country.
ルワンダ政府は数が非常に多い青少年の発展に力を入れ、支援してきました。 政府が最初におこなったことは、彼らの夢を「職さがしのための勉強」から「自分で自分の仕事をつくるための勉強」に変えることです。
政府は、若者のスキルを雇用創出に活用するために職業訓練校(TVTスクール = Technical and Vocational Training school または TVETスクール = Technical and Vocational Education and Training school)で改革を実施しました。
これはうまくいき、国の経済も拡大したのですが、その証となるのが「メイド・イン・ルワンダ・キャンペーン(Made in Rwanda Campaign)」です。
ルワンダは「Doing Business」ランキングで上位に入っているとおり、投資家にも有利な政策を設定しています。
Youth to be self-employed
Rwanda is one of the countries with rapid increase in economic development as estimated by World Bank.
Utexrwa, is a textile industry (uruganda rw’imyenda) which provides clothes (imyenda) it’s located in Gasabo district- Kigali city. Photo: The New Times
It’s located in East Africa, it’s population is more than 11.9 million in 2016, more than 40% 0f resident population are youth between 14-35 years. Due to big number of youth, a government of Rwanda has empowered, enriched and sponsored youth in their development. The first thing government has done is to transform the dream of youths from “studying to search job” to “studying to create own job”, which is right thing, this created youth intentions of being own boss. Every youth in Rwanda has intention of being self-employed. A government also told youths that the employment is among themselves and we must work for it in order to develop our country.
The government has set many policies and have much offers for youth in order to help them achieve on their goal and Intention, of creating own jobs.
Improving TVT school
Government revamped and prioritized in technical schools in order to give youth skills to use in creating job, this have been achieved and the economies of the country increased too, the proof is Made in Rwanda Campaign.
All products you see are made in Rwanda by Rwandans who attend TVT schools Photo from: www.madeinrwanda.com
Learners in TVT class, being train how to tailor clothes for people. Photo: www.ubukungu.rw
Establishing fund
Government has found the fund, which helps youth and women to get capital for starting business. Business Development Fund (BDF) gives capital to youth who can’t get collateral security to the bank. BDF gives capital without collateral security, it also gives tools to youths who finished TVT school and want to create their own job, but youths are sked to pay ½ of cost of those tools and ½ rest acts as sponsorship of the government.
BDF has given those carpenters tools for starting woodworking they will only pay ½ of cost. Photo: www.ubukungu.rw
Foreign investment
The government has set favorable policies for investors who need to invest in Rwanda, as it’s shown, Rwanda has ranked in first countries for doing business. Rwanda is ready to do whatever possible in order to increase number of investors who wish to invest in Rwanda. Investment prays a big role in economic development eg: GDP increases, it also provides jobs for youth.
Rwandans welcome investors
After all things the government does, we as citizen we understand and we are capable for setting duties of taking care about investors and visitors. It is our custom to give right and love to our visitors and investor from abroad, we just love them and we like the way they attempt to leave their countries and choose to come in Rwanda. In Rwanda, We have full security, when you choose Rwanda know that you choose right place to go. Even though some people can’t talk, but they have pleasure from seeing foreigners.
No job after graduate
“create a job and later employ next generation” this mind is brilliant. It is excellent that government’s futuristic view is shared with young people.
Popular technics
It was a little bit surprising because I thought popular technics are more advanced ones like IT. Probably, trend also has not changed greatly in recent years.
Still wanna be a self-empolyed?
Since the unemployment rate is high in Rwanda, it is not surprising if he thinks “it is OK if I can get a job” simply.
But Janvier’s answer was “my intention is to create my own job in the future after getting my own big percentage of capital.” I am happy with his challenging attitude.
Is “generating employment” outdated?
That is all for the report from Rwandan writer Jamvier.
In international development, we often talk about the importance of “generating employment”. Indeed it is possible to give salaries to employees and enrich their lives if there is an opportunity of employment.
However, that is not the only way to save unemployed people. It is good to create companies or factories and hire them there , but it is also very important that you create your own work.
We can see the difficulty to get a job from a story that some young people could not be employed after graduating because there is no work.
Not only are we waiting for employment opportunities to be born, but also we can create it by ourselves. Janvier taught me its importance.